
    地球最後一間百視達!巔峰達9000家、後宣告破產 店長:再困難也要守住

    2019-10-22 17:45 / 作者 吳亭頤

















    #Repost @blockbusterbend • • • • • • Our Story In 2010, Blockbuster Corporate filed for bankruptcy. The once giant video store chain had fallen from over 9094 stores in 2004 to a mere 1700 struggling corporate locations. By April 2011 they were being auctioned off and the winning bid of 320 million dollars went to Dish Network, a satellite TV provider. Slowly the new operators began closing corporate owned stores and in January 2014 the final Blockbuster Corporate location closed. This left only a few franchise locations around the world and at the end of March 2019 only 1 store remained, our store in Bend Oregon. Ken & Debbie Tisher along with their two teenagers (Marc and Rory) moved to Bend in September 1990. The following December they opened the very first Pacific Video Store on the south end of Bend. Two years later they opened the second of what was later to become 3 Central Oregon locations, here at 211 NE Revere. As small business owners the Tisher’s recognized they had the opportunity to bring the movie experience to our family homes. By offering the newest movie titles and our favorite classics on VHS they were able to give the Bend community an inexpensive alternative to going out to the theater. After successfully operating their locally owned video stores for 10 years, the Tisher’s, along with their partners, Debbie’s parents, Larry and Berniece Doan made the decision to become a Blockbuster Franchise in June of 2000. This was the beginning of our Blockbuster Story. How a small business, thru stubborn determination and a bit of pure luck, has been able to operate in the chaos of an ever changing home video world. All proceeds from our product sales go directly to support our store and help us stay open. The majority of our products are also made right here in Bend. We thank you for your support! -General Manager, Sandi Harding 📸: @apollodoesnotfollow #blockbustervideo #bend #lastblockbuster #blockbuster #video #dvd #ourstory #thankyou

    The Last Blockbuster(@lastblockbustermovie)分享的貼文 於 張貼

    如今,全球只剩一間百視達,也就是奧勒岡州的Bend分店,儘管環境艱困,店長哈丁Sandi Harding仍堅持營運:「對個人而言,純粹就是固執。我們不想讓步」, 當地人也都表示,早已和這間店建立了深厚情感,不希望它關閉。


    受限預算,店內的電腦系統必須用磁碟片重啟,DVD、藍光包裝的電影盒與會員卡都是員工自製,並積極發行新片,像是哈丁曾去主動接洽《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》的發行,「你們很難想像我們有辛苦,每個員工都要獨自完成很多工作」。哈丁也透露這間店的優勢:「你可以去其他出租店找到最新的影片,但你找不到早期的影片,就算是 Netflix 和 Amazon 也不是所有的影片都有」





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