
非裔小男孩撞見巡邏警車竟「3秒火速躲車後」 詹皇看了後表示心碎了!

2020-07-02 11:46 / 作者 你點到我了

美國反種族歧視運動「黑人的命也是命」(Black live matter)震撼全國,近日一名非裔男子在IG貼出自家門口的監視器影片,因為他發現兒子在門口打球時,看到有巡邏警車靠近,居然馬上躲到車身後面。一名才10歲的小男孩為什麼要如此緊張的看到警車竟躲起來呢?















Debated with myself for a few days before deciding to post this. I was at work watching my son shoot hoops in the driveway when I caught this. It floored me... I’ll save the dramatics, but growing up black or brown most of the time means fearing the police vs looking up to them. I live in an affluent neighborhood in Trumbull with a really good school system. This kid has all the opportunity to do/be whatever he wants unlike many kids who look like him because resources aren’t made available. Why does he feel like he has to hide when he isn’t doing anything wrong? I asked him why he did that when he got home. He replied; “because they killed George Floyd”. Stunned, I replied;ok kiddo. I didn’t know what and still don’t know what to say to him to make it better. A manager at my job told me to tell him that doing what he did is ridiculous and that I should teach him not to be fearful of police. Deep down I don’t know if it’s true, maybe staying out of the way is best. He didn’t learn this behavior at home. We stream movies so he doesn’t see the news and we don’t talk negatively about police. No need to reply in the comments, but think to yourself.. What would you say?

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 爸爸問兒子為什麼要躲警車,兒子竟回「因為警察殺死了喬治·佛洛伊德(George Floyd)」,得到這樣的回應爸爸頓時傻住,也不知道該如何跟小孩說明「根本不需要害怕警察」這件事。而且他們在家都是看電影,並不會讓小孩子看會引響身心的新聞內容,更不會去談論有關於警察的負面事情,不知道這事情他是從哪裡聽到的。


影片曝光後引發網友激烈討論,表示不希望小孩子在這種環境下長大,而這段影片也被NBA球星詹皇LeBron James看到且分享,直說「太心碎了!」,他也希望藉由自己的影響力,分享這則貼文讓更多人知道這起事件。


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