

2023-12-03 01:29 / 作者 顏振凱
美國「外交事務」期刊上月30日刊登葛來儀等3名美中關係學者聯名文章,文中提及民進黨總統候選人賴清德若勝選,應重新考慮凍結台獨黨綱。國民黨也要求賴對此表態。不過,葛來儀台北時間(12/2)在X推文表示,非常遺憾她與其他共同作者的觀點遭到台灣某些人士斷章取義,文章的重點在於「台灣需要透過有實質的威懾與保證建立有效的嚇阻」。(It is regretful that the views expressed by me and my co-authors in Foreign Affairs are being taken out of context by some people in Taiwan. The main point of the article is that effective deterrence requires both credible threats and assurances. 1/x)

葛來儀表示,她們主張北京、美國和台灣可以採取可能的措施來強化保證。台灣必須發出可信的訊號,以表明自己有決心和能力捍衛自己,並保證不會尋求正式獨立。(We advocate potential measures that Beijing, the US, and Taiwan could take to bolster assurances. Taiwan must credibly signal that it has the resolve and capability to defend itself as well as assure that it will not seek formal independence. 2/x)

葛來儀也說,蔡英文總統一直正確地追求強化國防和維持海峽現狀的政策。正如文章所述,賴清德表示他將延續其路線,重申蔡英文的「四個堅持」,並提出「和平四大支柱方案」,其中也包括嚇阻。(President Tsai has rightly pursued policies to strengthen defense & preserve the X-Strait status quo. As noted in the article, Lai has said he will stay the course. He has reaffirmed Tsai’s 4 commitments & presented a 4 pillar plan to preserve peace, which includes deterrence.3/x)

葛萊儀也提及,台灣繼續聚焦在國防能力上是非常重要的,但保證的步驟也是必要,據此,她與其他作者也提出一些可能的建議供未來可能的賴清德政府可參照,但這僅代表他們的觀點,而非美國政府。(Continued focus on defense is essential, but steps to assure will also be necessary. With this in mind, we proposed some possible steps that a future Lai administration could take, which only represents our views, not those of the US government. 4/x)

葛萊儀也強調,就算是侯友宜當選,強化嚇阻也至關重要。 無論誰當選,台灣都必須強化自我防衛能力。(If Hou Yu-ih is elected, strengthening deterrence will also be crucial. Regardless of who is power, Taiwan must enhance its ability to defend itself. 5/x)

葛來儀也表示,過去幾個月以來,無論是民眾黨、民進黨或是國民黨,都試圖利用她的觀點來得利,這讓她感到不安,但她是一名獨立學者,她不想幫助任何特定的候選人獲勝。(In the past few months, the TPP, DPP, and KMT have each attempted to use my views to gain advantage, which I find troubling. I am an independent scholar. I am not trying to help any particular candidate win. 6/x

葛來儀也強調,她非常關心台灣與台灣的未來,也希望防止戰爭發生。因此,她仍會繼續公開地表達其觀點,但希望政治人物和記者不要再扭曲她的話,或斷章取義。(But I care deeply about Taiwan and its future, as well as preventing war, so I will continue to present my views publicly. I hope that politicians and journalists will not distort my words or take them out of context. 7/7 END)
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