
國際記者會桌上擺國旗、全英語致詞 賴清德:世界關注台大選,延小英兩岸政策貢獻和平

2024-01-09 10:50 / 作者 胡家銘
民進黨正副總統候選人賴清德、蕭美琴今早出席「民主進步黨2024總統副總統暨立委選舉選前國際記者會」。 翻攝自網路直播









Members of the international press: Good morning. I want to first thank you all who have travelled from afar to cover our presidential and legislature elections.

In 2024, over 65 countries worldwide will be preparing for elections, setting a record for the highest number of elections in a single year. This year's presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan take the spotlight as the world's first and most anticipated election of 2024.

This election will not only determine Taiwan’s future leadership and direction, but also serve as a testament to our commitment to democracy. I am confident that you will see the robustness of Taiwan’s democracy; how our people stand firmly with democracy, even as we stand at the forefront of defending our values against authoritarianism. We are determined to safeguard peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

While aspiring for peace, we harbor no illusions. Therefore, I have proposed a four-pillar plan for peace to ensure continued stability in the Taiwan Strait. We will build up Taiwan’s defense deterrence, strengthen Taiwan’s capabilities in economic security, form partnerships with democracies around the world, and maintain stable and principled leadership on cross-strait relations.

Over the past eight years, the international community has supported the steady, pragmatic, and consistent cross-strait policies of President Tsai Ing-wen. I will continue to uphold these policies, which are in the interests of both Taiwan and the international community. I will maintain the status quo and continue to bring society together within the framework of the Republic of China (Taiwan). Our door will always be open to engagements with Beijing on the principles of equality and dignity. We are ready and willing to engage for the shared welfare of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Peace is priceless and war has no winners. Taiwan will stand together with the international community in being a proactive contributor to peace and stability. Our values unite us and give us common purpose. We will ensure a future of democracy, peace, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.

Thank you for coming here today. I extend my best wishes to all of you, and I hope you can find the opportunity to explore Taiwan’s beautiful landscapes, diverse cultures, and local cuisines.
胡家銘 收藏文章
